I just had to share my frustration and empathy for the folks of
Vancouver who (realize it or not), are getting snowed by the
city and it's plan for the snow shortage crisis.
Vancouver has had the good fortune of a fairly mild winter
this season. Well, being on the other side of the weather
coin 'I' say the good fortune...
The lack of snow posed a potential problem for our hosts of
this year's Olympics, specifically skiing events.
The folks at Whistler who's hills are still in good condition
apparently offered the use of their hills to event organizers.
So will the skiers be flying down Whistlers hills?...........NO!
events, so Whistler's offer was declined.
So now what would the next logical plan be??!! Hmmm...
Apparrently it is to spend a crap load of money to have
it shipped in from 3 hours away to toss on a hill that
people can park their butt on for a cpl days!!!
I'm sorry, but that is such a BIG waste of tax payers
money! Why spend so much on an event?? People will not continue to swarm Vancouver's hills in years to come because of their stupidity ..oops I mean effort.
...It's not like they would've had to call the event off;... just for one or two there would be no public allowed. People WILL sit in an auditorium to watch an event if it's big enough geez! I think an auditorium is cheaper to rent too then snow shipping? Just a guess.
Maybe the city should make those that just 'have' to park their butts up there to see it, pay for the chauffering of the snow!
No? I didn't think so.
Sorry residents of Vancouver/British Columbia....I tried.
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